Well Crafted NC: The history, business, and culture of North Carolina beer

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Asheville Brewing Company

- Present

Asheville’s third brewery opened as a mash-up pizza joint, second-run movie theater, and brewpub, all wrapped up in a bright, happy, family-friendly space on Merrimon Avenue in North Asheville. A second brewpub, in downtown Asheville’s hip South Slope area, opened in 2006. That location now houses both their 15-barrel and 7-barrel brew houses. A third location, a pizza and beer delivery and pick-up kitchen, opened in South Asheville in 2012. Their mission is great food, quality craft beer, excellent service and fun for all ages (kids, kids-at-heart, and canines).

Oral history interview with Doug Riley and Mike Rangel (2021)

We take the name Asheville Brewing, as the name brewery for this beer city, we take that really, really to heart.

Mike Rangel is the president and co-owner of Asheville Pizza and Brewing in Asheville, NC. Doug Riley is the director of brewing operations and co-owner at Asheville Pizza and Brewing.

View the Doug Riley and Mike Rangel oral history interview.

Asheville Brewing Company Archive
